Life Scan Centre - I Want NOW, What I Want When I Want

Friday, July 9, 2010

Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi
The Pratyangira aspect of the Divine has been a bit of a secret

for most of these past ages. Many believed that direct experience

with this energy was reserved for Saints and Rishis. Seeing

Pratyangira in any form was considered an enormous blessing,

and an indication that you were in similar company.

Pratyangira comes from a deep, deep place within the Divine

Mother; an area simply known as the Void. In the Void there are

no thoughts of fear, or pain, or loss, or want, or time, or even

space… just the warmth of the Mother’s love.

As Pratyangira energy manifests, it’s often a very swift and

sometimes ferocious current. Many of the Saints who’ve seen

it’s energetic expression have described it as half lion and half

human. The lion head is that of a male and the body is that of

a female, representing the union of Shiva and Shakti. In her

full form, she is humongous, with 1008 heads (symbolically

representing the 1008-petalled Sahasrara Chakra, the universal

chakra of the cosmic energy) and 2016 hands, riding

majestically on a chariot pulled by 4 lions (representing the

4 Vedas), carrying many swords for removing obstacles.

The jaws of so many lions makes it very powerful for destroying

negative karmas, and a great blessing for anyone on a spiritual

path. However, such a current can be understandably rough,

so it’s wise to approach with respect and some consideration

of what our heart is asking for.

Two Rishis in the ancient times, Pratyangira and Angiras, in

their deep meditation, discovered this goddess through her

Moola Mantra in the ethereal waves of the sound current. And

though this Mother is nameless, she honored these Rishis by

giving the blessings to be named after them. She has hence

been known as Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi. The beejaksharam

(seed letter) of her Mantra is ksham (bliss).

Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi is all powerful and secretly protects

devotees and others. She is always by the side of Her

devotees. She is within each and every being in all planes of

existence, and there to be awakened within.

An awareness of Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi has been only

quietly known, until recently. Although the Siddha Masters and

great Maha Rishis like Sri Dhurvasha Munivar and Puli Paani

Siddhar have been devotees of this mother.

It is in that line of great devotion that Amma and Swami are

servants to this Mother.

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